Subscription Plans



Try for free.



No hidden costs
No hidden costs
No hidden costs
No hidden costs

100 Requests / mo

Daily Updates

Historical Rates

HTTPS Encryption

No Support








Starter — begin building with the starterpack.



Per / month
or $86.99 if billed yearly
Annually save 10%
or $7.99 if billed monthly

5,000 Requests / mo

+ 0.002397 each

Hourly Updates

Historical Rates

Standard Support

HTTPS Encryption

Source Currency Sw.

Currency Conversion





Standard Kit — includes core features and higher volume.



Per / month
or $161.99 if billed yearly
Annually save 10%
or $14.99 if billed monthly
Platinum Support
Click for more information
$479.88 billed annually

10,000 Requests / mo

+ 0.0022485 each

Hourly Updates

Historical Rates

Standard Support

HTTPS Encryption

Source Currency Sw.

Currency Conversion




Professional Plus

Most Popular — advanced functionality and up to 100,000 monthly API requests.



Per / month
or $629.99 if billed yearly
Annually save 12.5%
or $59.99 if billed monthly
Platinum Support
Click for more information
$599.88 billed annually

100,000 Requests / mo

+ 0.00089985 each

10-minute Updates

Historical Rates

Standard Support

HTTPS Encryption

Source Currency Sw.

Currency Conversion

Time-Frame Queries




The All-Inclusive Suite — complete suite of features and 500,000 monthly API requests.



Per / month
or $1,019.99 if billed yearly
Annually save 15%
or $99.99 if billed monthly
Platinum Support
Click for more information
$719.88 billed annually

500,000 Requests / mo

+ 0.00029997 each

60-second Updates

Historical Rates

Standard Support

HTTPS Encryption

Source Currency Sw.

Currency Conversion

Time-Frame Queries

Currency-Change Q.


Need more? Constact us for custom volume requests.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is is a REST API that is a service for current and historical foreign exchange rates and crypto exchange rates.

Who runs the API? is a product built and maintained by APILayer, a technology company that provides a variety of reliable and essential APIs for developers. APILayer’s APIs are affordable for both startups and larger companies. APILayer GmbH is headquartered in Vienna, Austria.

What is the API’s uptime?

The API's system status is closely monitored around the clock. Every effort is made to ensure the highest possible level of availability and consistency, and we are proud to have an average uptime rate of nearly 100% (99.9%) throughout the last 12 months.

Where is data coming from?

Currency data delivered are sourced from financial data providers and banks, including the European Central Bank.

Which type of historical rates does the API offer?

The API delivers EOD / End of Day historical exchange rates, which become available at 00:05 am GMT for the previous day and are time stamped at one second before midnight.

Rate Limits

API requests made by a throttled user or app will fail. All API requests are subject to rate limits. Real time rate limit usage statistics are described in headers that are included with most API responses once enough calls have been made to an endpoint.

Response showing old date

API requests are cached by default. You can try to add an additional parameter &v=_actual_date_ in the query, where _actual_date_ enter the day in the format for example Y-m-d (or you can add only hour value).

Error responses

If your query fails, the API will return false in the success parameter, also HTTP header code 404 Not Found or HTTP 521 Timeout.

How do I cancel/downgrade?

You can initiate a cancellation or downgrade by selecting a new plan and providing at least one reason for your decision. The customer service team will cancel or downgrade your plan. Downgrades are not effective immediately; your premium subscription will remain active until the end of the current billing period.

How do I change between monthly and yearly billing?

To change your subscription from monthly to yearly billing, submit a request on the Contact Us page on the website following these steps:

Step 1: Sign in to your account

Step 2: Go to Contact Us page

Step 3: Fill out the form and choose the “Sales” category for this request.

Step 4: In the text box, include your specific request for example “Change from Monthly to Yearly subscription.”